Solar Orbiter SPICE Kernel Dataset v0.2.0 Release Notes =========================================================================== This release notes file describes the status of the mission's SPICE Kernel FTP directory at the release of the current version. This version names a branch (0.2.0) and a tag (solo_ftp_v0.2.0) in the SPICE_SOLO Git repository at the scigit02 server located at ESAC. Created by Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA, July 06, 2017. Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file, please contact SPICE support at ESAC: Marc Costa Sitja (+34) 91-8131-457, Notes -------------------------------------------------------- July 6, 2017 v0.2.0 Frames kernel partially reviewed by SOLO SOC (Andrew Walsh) Added Science frame kernel and STR instrument kernel. Please note that this release is the first public release of the Solar Orbiter Kernel Dataset. Issues fixed for this release -------------------------------------------------------- None. ExoMars 2016 FTP directory tree -------------------------------------------------------- . |-- ck | |-- solo_ANC_soc-default-att_20190214-20290611_V01.bc | |-- solo_ANC_soc-eui-fsi-ck_20180930-21000101_V01.bc | |-- solo_ANC_soc-eui-hri-euv-ck_20180930-21000101_V01.bc | |-- solo_ANC_soc-eui-hri-lya-ck_20180930-21000101_V01.bc | |-- solo_ANC_soc-metis-euv-ck_20180930-21000101_V01.bc | |-- solo_ANC_soc-metis-m0-tel-ck_20180930-21000101_V01.bc | |-- solo_ANC_soc-metis-vis-ck_20180930-21000101_V01.bc | |-- solo_ANC_soc-phi-fdt-ck_20180930-21000101_V01.bc | |-- solo_ANC_soc-phi-hrt-ck_20180930-21000101_V01.bc | |-- solo_ANC_soc-pred-roll-att_20190214-20290611_V01.bc | |-- solo_ANC_soc-sc-boom-ck_20180930-21000101_V01.bc | |-- solo_ANC_soc-sc-fof-ck_20180930-21000101_V01.bc | |-- solo_ANC_soc-solohi-ck_20180930-21000101_V01.bc | |-- solo_ANC_soc-spice-lw-ck_20180930-21000101_V01.bc | |-- solo_ANC_soc-spice-sw-ck_20180930-21000101_V01.bc | `-- solo_ANC_soc-stix-ck_20180930-21000101_V01.bc |-- fk | |-- | |-- | |-- | |-- | |-- | |-- | |-- | |-- | |-- | |-- | `-- |-- ik | |-- solo_ANC_soc-epd-ik_V00.ti | |-- solo_ANC_soc-epd-ik_V01.ti | |-- solo_ANC_soc-eui-ik_V00.ti | |-- solo_ANC_soc-metis-ik_V00.ti | |-- solo_ANC_soc-phi-ik_V00.ti | |-- solo_ANC_soc-solohi-ik_V00.ti | |-- solo_ANC_soc-spice-ik_V00.ti | |-- solo_ANC_soc-stix-ik_V00.ti | |-- solo_ANC_soc-str-ik_V00.ti | |-- solo_ANC_soc-swa-ik_V00.ti | `-- solo_ANC_soc-swa-ik_V01.ti |-- lsk | |-- aareadme.txt | `-- naif0012.tls |-- mk | `-- |-- pck | |-- earth_070425_370426_predict.bpc | `-- pck00010.tpc |-- sclk | `-- solo_ANC_soc-sclk-fict_20000101_V01.tsc `-- spk |-- de421.bsp |-- earthstns_itrf93_050714.bsp |-- estrack_v01.bsp `-- solo_ANC_soc-orbit_20190214-20290611_V01.bsp 8 directories, 48 files The FTP directory tree is done using the following command in the server: /home/esaspice/ftp/data/SPICE/SOLAR-ORBITER/kernels/ > tree --charset ISO-8859 -I 'former_versions' Please note that the 'mk/former_versions' directory is ommited. Appendix: Release History =========================================================================== July 6, 2017 v0.2.0 Frames kernel partially reviewed by SOLO SOC (Andrew Walsh) Added Science frame kernel and STR instrument kernel. Please note that this release is the first public release of the Solar Orbiter Kernel Dataset. May 19, 2017 v0.1.0 Initial release of the Solar Orbiter SPICE Kernel dataset. This release incoroporates an initial draft of the kernels updated and corrected during coordination meetings in between the ESA SPICE Service and the Solar Orbiter SOC (Marc Costa Sitja, Andrew Walsh and Chris Watson). This iterations are reflected in the Minutes of Meeting of the ESS-SOLO coordination meetings that took place until the release date. Please note that this release has not been publicly released on the FTP but distributed internally to the SOLO SOC by the ESA SPICE Service. End of aareadme.txt