#UIDTypeDescriptionGen. dateBegin UTCEnd UTCDur (s)Time res. (s)E (keV)PixelsGOES classPeak cntsPreviewFITS
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Submit imaging and spectral fitting requests
Spectral fitting with OSPEX
Time framePlease select on the count rate spectrogram
Divide the time range:Dividing the time range into N equal periods and reconstructing images for each of the periods.
Energy range (sci bins):(Inclusive)
Unique id:Find one for me
Forward-fit source shape:
Spectral model:

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If your research has greatly benefited from STIX data products or the utilization of our tools, we strongly recommend   citing our papers.
Coarse flare location estimation and BKG subtraction
spectrum subtraction
Time range:
Please select on the count rate spectrogram
Energy range (sci bins):
Time range:
If your research has greatly benefited from STIX data products or the utilization of our tools, we strongly recommend   citing our papers.
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