How to Create a Data Request IOR
1 Important Background Information
1.1 What is a Data Request IOR?
A Data Request IOR includes sets of instructions for STIX to process its observations into certain data products (e.g. L1 or L4 Spectrogram) and send them back to Earth. These instructions correspond to data requests made by the community or the STIX team. (To learn more, see What is a Data Request?) Data Request IORs can only be issued during STIX Analysis Windows which are scheduled and defined on SOOP KITCHEN.
1.2 Data Request IOR Criteria
A Data Request IOR must be compiled in line with the following criteria:
- Highest priority data requests must be included first. Data Requests can have three priorities: High, Medium, and Low.
- The total number to telecommands in a single 24 hour period must be less than 150. This includes any other IORs that send commands on the same day. However, this limit is not always a hard one. Sometimes ESA does accept slightly more than 150 telecommands in a single day.
- The total data volume of the requests must be within the telemetry budget defined for the STIX Analysis Window. This will be recorded on SOOP Kitchen for the given analysis window.
While the telemetry budget should not be exceeded, current algorithms tend to over-estimate the data volume of data request IORs. Moreover, it is important not to waste telemetry as we can not utilized unused telemetry budget afterwards. It is therefore important to use as much of the budget as possible.
1.3 Data Request Status
Data Requests have one of three statuses:
- Executed: The requested data has been received from STIX by the STIX Data Center and is available.
- Processed: The data request has been included in an IOR on the STIX Data Center server, but the data has not yet received. This could be because the IOR has not been sent to STIX. Or the IOR has been sent but the data has not yet been received by the STIX Data Center server.
- Pending: The data request has been succesfully saved to the STIX Data Center server, but has not yet been included in an IOR by the STIX operators.
1.4 Relationship to Other IORs
While it is possible to mix data requests with other telecommands, it is standard prcatice to create an IOR just for data requests and another for other operations telecommands. An exception might be to include non-data request telecommands that MUST be run during the STIX analysis window. This makes it easier to ensure that STIX is operating nominally during the STIX analysis window and the telecommand limit of 150/day is being used more efficiently. Therefore, IORs should not overlap in time.
2 Generate a Data Request IOR
2.1 Required Software
See Required Software.
2.2 How to Generate a Data Request IOR
2.2.1 Retrieving the Data Requests
- Confirm no other IORs are sending commands during the STIX analysis window.
- Export the data requests from the STIX Data Center as a JSON file. There are two API options, URL or website:
- Enter the following URL<start_id>/<end_id> where <start_id> and <end_id> are the start and end data request IDs to include, e.g. Only data requests in the range whose status is "Pending" will be included.
- Save the JSON file to your local computer.
- Website API
- Go to Expert User section of the STIX website. On the left side bar click "Operations" followed by "Data Request Manager". (Or go directly by clicking here.) This gives a table of all data requests.
- Find the ID of the oldest (lowest ID) "pending" data request. Do this by going to previous pages in the table by clicking the "Previous" button. Data requests can be filtered by entering "Pending" (or any other filerting tag) into the filter test box.
- Once the oldest ID has been found, enter it as the Start ID. Then set the End ID to the ID of the most recent data request, or any number greater than this. Click Load.
- Access a hidden toolbar by double-clicking the word "requests" in "STIX user data requests" above the "New" button. (This will be made visible by default once testing has finished.)
- Click "AutoSel" to automatically select <150 data requests.
- Data requests are selected in order of highest priority.
- Within each priority level, the oldest (lowest ID) requests are picked first.
- Note that aspect data requests are not selected by "AutoSel" because the website software currently can't determine whether they have been processed or executed. Their status is always "Pending". So the operator must know whether specific aspect data requests should be included.
- The number of data requests is limited to <150 by the daily telecommand limit of 150. Although each data request is one telecommand, additional telecommands are needed to faciliate the data requests which are automatically generated when the data requests are exports as a JSON. See below.
- Click the "Add" button. This adds the selected data requests to a list. The number of data requests will be displayed and an estimate of the amount of data in MiB.
- The data volume estimate is unreliable. To get a more accurate estimate, export the list as a JSON file, open the file with a text editor and inspect the end of the file. It will contain the data volume in bytes. Divide this number by 1024^2 to get the estimate in MB.
- The estimate in the JSON file is still likely to be an overestimate. The data size is calculated based on the requested time bin size which may not be available onboard. The real size of the data size will reflect the closest time bin size available. Therefore it is OK for the total data volume estimate to slightly exceed the telemetry budget.
- Ensure that total data volume is approximately equal to the telemetry budget. This may require manually including/excluding some larger data requests. But be mindful of the 150 telecommand limit.
- Data requests can be manually added/removed by checking/unchecking the tick boxes.
- The telemetry can be found in SOOPKitchen by hovering your cursor of the STIX Analysis window.
- "Export" the list by clicking "Export". This will save the list as a JSON. Save it in the location you are using to build the IOR.
2.2.2 Building the IOR
- It is typical to build an IOR specially for the data requests. Other telecommands required during the STP should put in any other IOR. This IOR should be executed on a different day to the data request IOR so as not to waste the daily 150 telecommand limit.
- Open STIX-Starlet.
- Prepare the IOR up until the point of adding sequences/telecommand as outlined in How To Generate an IOR.
- Load in the data request JSON file by clicking yellow "open json" button at the right end of the toolbar.
- The JSON file will group data requests based on common detector and pixel masks. The first two commands of the group will set the detector and pixel masks, respectively. Subsequent commands will correspond to data requests.
- To process data requests, STIX must be in Configuration or Nominal mode. Confirm that STIX will be in of these modes when the STIX analysis window starts. This is usually determined by the IOR sent at the start of the STP which power cycles the instrument. If it isn't, add a command at the start of the IOR changing the mode.
- Edit the wait times
- The default wait time between each group is +8 hrs. This needs to be changed for the first group to 2 seconds.
- Wait times for subsequent groups must give enough time for all requests in the previous group to be downloaded. Estimating this time is difficult. It is safest to leave the wait time as +8hrs (default). If you have several groups and/or if the STIX Analysis window is short, this may need to be reduced.
- Delays between L4 spectrogram requests aren't important. They will be queued. These can be left at 10 seconds.
- If including an aspect data request, allow 30 minutes for each request in the wait time.
- Once all data request wait times have been edited, convert them to absolute times clicking "Request" -> "Delta to Absolute"
- Click Load JSON
- Click Generate
- Once ready, Submit IOR for Internal Review in the usual way.
- Once approved by the STIX team, Submit IOR to SOC in the usual way.