STIX flare processing pipeline
Solar flare processing pipeline
Select L1 bulk science data from the database. For each selected flare
- Check if peak counts above a given value (e.g. 600) using the flare list database. Skip faint flares
- Use GOES LC to determine the GOES class, write the GOES LC to a png file, store the GOES class in the flare list database
- Select background from database and do background selection
- Determine flare location, store location information in the database
- Background subtraction for spectrograms & energy spectra
- Spectral analysis with sunspex, store results (to be done in the future …)
- Calculate ephemeris & viewing angles using spice kernel
- Reconstruct flare images (to be done in the future)
- Prepare simultaneous observation plots
- Create EUI image, AIA images for the flare
- EPD plots
- Radio
- ...
Results can be displayed on web pages
Group flares by GOES classes, dates
Results can be also retrieved using sdcpy